
Monday, July 11, 2011

Tips to Reduce or Eliminate Stress.

Once we know what are the causes of stress and how to prevent stress does not happen again, here are some tips to relieve stress.

1. If the cause of stress is due to blood circulation to the brain is not smooth then it can cause fatigue of body and mind become clogged.
To overcome such movements do

- Squatting on the floor then lower your hips until your heels touch the slowly exhale while slowly

- Stretch your arms back with palms facing up and then take a deep breath in and press the abdomen to the thighs, then release slowly

- A time for roads in the park fresh air is cool

2. If the cause of stress is due to feelings of fear and anxiety, you can handle it with:

- Take a seat and sit in a chair with an upright body position, breathe deeply, shrugging his shoulders towards the ears and then slowly release the breath, press and repeat this movement several times until you feel calmer

- To surrender and pray to one God is important in the face of fear and anxiety